What is ‘high-performance’ practically?
“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times . . . The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile” (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990)....
Ready for a new relationship … with conflict?
On the backdrop of this pandemic, 3 of my married friends are going through a divorce, and 2 of my clients are looking for a new job. When I heard their stories, the patterns were shockingly similar: if we are skillful at noticing these patterns, the undesired...
The 3 Steps to Successful Leadership Strategy
I woke up today expecting to feel excited about the day off I had planned for myself two months ago, yet somehow, that feeling was absent. I could have blamed the grey weather in Zurich, but I viscerally felt it was a much deeper reason. I come from Lebanon, a country...
The Authentic Leader
It was a Tuesday afternoon in the autumn of 2006. I had recently joined a company as the group financial analyst when my phone rang. “I would like to inform you that your father has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.” I lived my life dreading such a moment, being an...
How can we build more trust in our relationships?
We spend time and energy trying to improve our social skills, engage in various relationships, attend networking events and workshops on leadership, management or parenting, yet we are still faced with sub-optimal relationships. Do you ever wonder why it feels better...
Will your company survive this VUCA environment?
I remember back in 2006, at the end of a job interview for a risk management position at a bank, the CEO asking me the following question, jokingly: what is the only investment that is guaranteed never to lose? I didn’t have a shrewd answer immediately, so he...